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Event Recap


“Green Finance x Climate Innovation” Conference cum 2016 CarbonCare® Label Award Ceremony

Jointly organised by CarbonCare InnoLab and Carbon Care Asia, the “Green Finance x Climate Innovation” Conference and the 2016 CarbonCare® Label Award Ceremony was held on Dec 14, 2016 to acknowledge 39 companies and organisations which have committed themselves to vigorous carbon reduction endeavours and quality reporting. The Conference, held alongside the ceremony, was addressed by representatives from government departments, the financial sector, the academia, as well as civil and environmental organisations. These eminent speakers shared their views on the future development of green finance or raised innovative technological solutions to help tackle climate change.

Officiating guest The Hon Lam Woon Kwong, referring to statistics from the Hong Kong Observatory, pointed out that Hong Kong is facing real challenges from climate change. Instead of relying on the government, we all can do our part in leading a low carbon lifestyle. In his opening speech, Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, CEO of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, gave examples from the Club to show that large institutions could contribute to raising its own energy efficiency and promoting low carbon awareness through working with the NGOs and schools in Hong Kong.

Attended by nearly 200 guests from all sectors, this annual signature event partnered with the Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) focused discussions on three parameters: “the Development Pathways of Green Finance”, “Climate Innovation: Hong Kong Showcases” and “the Future of Green Bonds”. Eminent speakers and panellists included:

Dr David Chung, Under-Secretary for Innovation & Technology

The Hon Kenneth Leung, Legislative Councillor and Senior Consultant, Clifford Chance

Mr Esmond Lee, Senior Advisor, Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council

Mr Sean Kidney, CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative

Ms Hannah Routh, Director, Sustainability and Climate Change Consulting, PwC

Mr Hubert Chak, Director (Finance), Link Real Estate Investment Trust

Mr Ivan Chung, Associate Manging Director, Moody’s Investment

Prof Irene Lo, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Prof Michael Leung, City University of Hong Kong

Mr Stephen Wong, Adjunct Lecturer, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Ms Katy Yung, Director of Investment, RS Group

Ms Jessica Robinson, Head of Asia (ex-Japan), Principles for Responsible Investment (UN-PRI)

Ms Sannie Chung, Senior Sustainable Finance Campaigner, Greenpeace East Asia

Ms Marcy Trent Long, Energy Advisor to WWF

Mr Esmond Lee, Senior Advsior at the FSDC, pointed out that the government is working on relevant policy frameworks to create a favourable environment for green financing. He hoped to see more Mainland Chinese enterprises using Hong Kong as their platform for green bonds. Legislative Councillor The Hon Kenneth Leung echoed this and urged the government to review the current fiscal and tax policies to give more incentives in this respect. For Hong Kong to maintain an important role in green financing, Mr Sean Kidney, CEO of Climate Bond Initiatives, called for more visionary policies coming from the government, so that more locally brewed projects such as green buildings and renewable energy projects could obtain the necessary funding.

Two climate innovative projects were introduced by Prof Irene Lo of HKUST and Prof Michael Leung of the City University of Hong Kong --- the use of nano-technology in resource recovery and waste water treatment and heat recycling in air-conditioning systems for better air quality and carbon reductions, respectively. Regarding the funding for research projects, Dr David Chung, Under-Secretary for Innovation and Technology, told the audience that the government would soon launch funds to support mid-stream investments and he hoped that this could help to reduce private investment risk and promote the development of green projects.

The Conference also featured a special presentation by CCIL Advisor Mr John Sayer and Ir Albert Lai, who have just attended the UN Climate Conference in Marrakesh (COP22) held in November. After explaining the outcomes of COP22 and sharing their observations, they urged the Government for more speedy actions so as to put Hong Kong on par with other world cities in carbon reduction measures. On this note, Carbon Care Asia took the opportunity to announce the new “Sustainability Enhancement Programme” in partnership with Tricor Consulting Ltd. This newly launched service aims to help corporate clients increase their climate competence and improve their performance in the environmental, social and governance aspects of their operation.

Full list of 2016 CarbonCare® Label, CarbonCare® Action Label & CarbonCare® ESG Label Awardees

Hong Kong Economic Journal Special Supplement
CarbonCare® Label 2016 Award Ceremony
Published on 22/12/2016
(By courtesy of Hong Kong Economic Journal)

Download full copy (Chinese Version Only)

Special Interviews during the conference included:

Mr Sean Kidney, CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative

Ir Prof Irene Lo, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Ms Marcy Trent Long, Energy Advisor to WWF

Ms Jessica Robinson, Head of Asia (ex-Japan), Principles for Responsible Investment (UN-PRI)

Mr Esmund Lee, Senior Advisor, Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council

Mr Hubert Chak, Director (Finance), Link Real Estate Investment Trust

Dr Christine Chan, CCA Associate



Mr Sean Kidney, CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative


Ir Prof Irene Lo, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Ms Marcy Trent Long, Energy Advisor to WWF


Ms Jessica Robinson, Head of Asia (ex-Japan), Principles for Responsible Investment (UN-PRI)


Mr Esmund Lee, Senior Advisor, Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council


Mr Hubert Chak, Director (Finance), Link Real Estate Investment Trust


Dr Christine Chan, CCA Associate