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Highlights of The %%year%% Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (%%COP%%)

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The first Climate Advocacy Training for Youth (CATY) was completed and six outstanding graduates were shortlisted as the Hong Kong Youth Delegates. Together with CCIL’s observer team, they attended the 2021 Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26). CCIL hopes to provide more opportunities for Hong Kong youth to take part in international climate conferences, understand the contentious topics of climate change, get a taste of international climate negotiations and make Hong Kong youth’s voices heard. Besides, they met government delegates and business leaders as well as representatives from indigenous communities and small islands who are most affected by climate change. They also connected with youth from around the world and enhance further collaboration between youths. In the meantime, they aspire to motivate the international leaders and Hong Kong government to take more ambitious and firm climate actions. Last but not least, CCIL hopes the momentum built in COP26 could drive more Hong Kong youth to take part in climate action.

The Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, known as COP, is the decision-making body responsible for monitoring and reviewing the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It brings together the 197 nations and territories, called parties, that have signed on to the Framework Convention. The COP has met annually since 1995. COP 21, held in Paris, France, in December 2015, was historic in its outcome – the Paris Agreement, as the first-ever legally binding international climate agreement. COP26, held in Glasgow, United Kingdom, from 31 October to 13 November 2021, led to the updated international climate agreement Glasgow Climate Pact.

Leap Icon Videos at COP26
Behind the scenes of COP26 (Part 1)
Behind the scenes of COP26 (Part 2)
Leap Icon Youth Delegates
Photo of Blaire Ho

Blaire Ho

Blaire graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor’s degree in Geography and Resource Management. After graduation, she works for CarbonCare InnoLab, as a programme officer, responsible for the Paris Watch Project. Besides, she commits herself to promoting the awareness of climate change and climate education. During her undergraduate’s period, she assisted in organising and coordinating the Local Conference of Youth Hong Kong 2020. She also joined the Climate Advocacy Training for Youths. Being an eco-tour guide for Green Sense, she is enthusiastic about promoting environmental education. Moreover, as a co-founder of Heartstrings, she organised eco-tours and workshops for the students of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2018.

Photo of Hermia Chan

Hermia Chan

Hermia Chan is a final-year Global Studies student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Being born and raised in Hong Kong, Hermia noticed the absence of climate change education in Hong Kong secondary and tertiary curriculum. She therefore co-founded the Network of Environmental Student Societies (NESS) early 2021, with an aim to increase youth participation and awareness in climate change and actions through a multi-disciplinary lens and perspectives.

Photo of Mark Cheung

Mark Cheung

Mark is a year 3 undergraduate, majoring in Environmental Science and minoring in Politics at the University of Hong Kong. He is the Co-Founder of Network of Environmental Student Societies (NESS), a local youth-led organisation that aims to enhance climate change awareness and capacity of youth. Mark is also selected as the official HK delegate of the ClimateForce 2041 Antarctica Expedition to observe real-time changes caused by climate change on a carbon-negative journey. With his learnings and experience, Mark aspires to empower youth and raise public awareness on climate actions as a speaker, advocate, and youth leader.

Photo of Fun Ho

Fun Ho

Fun is a social policy graduate and now working as a Project Officer in the Centre for Greater China Studies at the Education University of Hong Kong. Having been working in higher education institutions for years, she realizes the importance of knowledge transfer between universities and the public sector. She actively writes environmental policy articles on both social media and print media, such as Stand News, CitizenNews, and Mingpao, sharing insights based on empirical research to impact the formulation of environmental policies and to promote environmental sustainability. It is important to put words into action. Solmunity, a renewable energy advocacy group initiated under CCIL’s training program, has been lobbying for multilateral actions to achieve carbon neutrality and mobilizing green economies through involving citizens in the social investment schemes of solar panels.

Photo of Priscilla Lin

Priscilla Lin

Graduating from Calvin University with a Bachelor’s degree of International Affairs, Priscilla works as a Sustainability Consultant at Carbon Care Asia. She is responsible for sustainability reporting and stakeholder engagement for listed companies in Hong Kong. Prior to CCA, Priscilla has extensive experience working in an international NGO sector and has co-founded an organization called The Shared Meal, which crowdsources meatless home-cooked recipes and memories, aiming to link climate to our everyday meals. As a climate advocate, she is a YOUNGO member and ran an initiative called Solmunity to promote community solar energy in Hong Kong previously. Also, she enjoys yoga and hiking in her spare time.

Photo of Ryan Fung

Ryan Fung

Ryan is a certified ESG Analyst of European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) and a senior advisor in CUP Media. He is actively advocating the concept of ESG in the commercial sector and sharing views on both mass media and social media. In 2021, he published the first two Chinese ESG books in Hong Kong. He is experienced in lobbying, consulting, government affairs, public relations and marketing across the political and commercial industries, given the experience he earned in Jervois One, DiDi and Xiaomi. He has been writing op-eds in various financial media for over seven years, so he is well connected across the financial world.

Photo of Blaire Ho

Blaire Ho

Blaire graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor’s degree in Geography and Resource Management. After graduation, she works for CarbonCare InnoLab, as a programme officer, responsible for the Paris Watch Project. Besides, she commits herself to promoting the awareness of climate change and climate education. During her undergraduate’s period, she assisted in organising and coordinating the Local Conference of Youth Hong Kong 2020. She also joined the Climate Advocacy Training for Youths. Being an eco-tour guide for Green Sense, she is enthusiastic about promoting environmental education. Moreover, as a co-founder of Heartstrings, she organised eco-tours and workshops for the students of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2018.

Photo of Hermia Chan

Hermia Chan

Hermia Chan is a final-year Global Studies student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Being born and raised in Hong Kong, Hermia noticed the absence of climate change education in Hong Kong secondary and tertiary curriculum. She therefore co-founded the Network of Environmental Student Societies (NESS) early 2021, with an aim to increase youth participation and awareness in climate change and actions through a multi-disciplinary lens and perspectives.

Photo of Mark Cheung

Mark Cheung

Mark is a year 3 undergraduate, majoring in Environmental Science and minoring in Politics at the University of Hong Kong. He is the Co-Founder of Network of Environmental Student Societies (NESS), a local youth-led organisation that aims to enhance climate change awareness and capacity of youth. Mark is also selected as the official HK delegate of the ClimateForce 2041 Antarctica Expedition to observe real-time changes caused by climate change on a carbon-negative journey. With his learnings and experience, Mark aspires to empower youth and raise public awareness on climate actions as a speaker, advocate, and youth leader.

Photo of Fun Ho

Fun Ho

Fun is a social policy graduate and now working as a Project Officer in the Centre for Greater China Studies at the Education University of Hong Kong. Having been working in higher education institutions for years, she realizes the importance of knowledge transfer between universities and the public sector. She actively writes environmental policy articles on both social media and print media, such as Stand News, CitizenNews, and Mingpao, sharing insights based on empirical research to impact the formulation of environmental policies and to promote environmental sustainability. It is important to put words into action. Solmunity, a renewable energy advocacy group initiated under CCIL’s training program, has been lobbying for multilateral actions to achieve carbon neutrality and mobilizing green economies through involving citizens in the social investment schemes of solar panels.

Photo of Priscilla Lin

Priscilla Lin

Graduating from Calvin University with a Bachelor’s degree of International Affairs, Priscilla works as a Sustainability Consultant at Carbon Care Asia. She is responsible for sustainability reporting and stakeholder engagement for listed companies in Hong Kong. Prior to CCA, Priscilla has extensive experience working in an international NGO sector and has co-founded an organization called The Shared Meal, which crowdsources meatless home-cooked recipes and memories, aiming to link climate to our everyday meals. As a climate advocate, she is a YOUNGO member and ran an initiative called Solmunity to promote community solar energy in Hong Kong previously. Also, she enjoys yoga and hiking in her spare time.

Photo of Ryan Fung

Ryan Fung

Ryan is a certified ESG Analyst of European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) and a senior advisor in CUP Media. He is actively advocating the concept of ESG in the commercial sector and sharing views on both mass media and social media. In 2021, he published the first two Chinese ESG books in Hong Kong. He is experienced in lobbying, consulting, government affairs, public relations and marketing across the political and commercial industries, given the experience he earned in Jervois One, DiDi and Xiaomi. He has been writing op-eds in various financial media for over seven years, so he is well connected across the financial world.

Leap Icon CCIL Delagates
Photo of CY

Chong Chan Yau
Co-founder and CEO

Mr Chong Chan Yau is the Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of CarbonCare InnoLab and a member of the Board of Directors of Climate Finance Asia . Mr Chong is a graduate from the University of Hong Kong. He obtained a Master's degree in Information Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

He served in the Hong Kong Government as an Administrative Officer. He also served as an Executive Director of Oxfam Hong Kong and a member of the Board of Directors of Oxfam International. He then joined the University of Hong Kong as the Director of Student Development for its Centre for Development and Resources for Students. Mr Chong is active in promoting civil society in Hong Kong. He is the President of the Hong Kong Blind Union. He has also been a member of the Education and Publicity Subcommittee of the Council for Sustainable Development, which is an advisory committee to the Hong Kong SAR Government on sustainability issues.

Mr Chong has received the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award in 1991 and the MBE honour in 1995 for his outstanding service to the Hong Kong community. In 2012, Mr Chong has been awarded one of the "Leaders of 2011" by the Sing Tao Publishing Co Ltd and the HKU Honorary Fellowship by the University of Hong Kong.

Photo of Alissa

Alissa Tung
Programme Director

Dr Alissa Tung is the Programme Director of CarbonCare InnoLab. She has extensive experience in community engagement and corporate engagement in the NGO sector. Alissa received a PhD in Material Science from Monash University, Australia, after graduating from Fashion Technology at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research focus was on developing functional Self-Cleaning Textiles addressing pollution to the environment. She authored more than 10 peer-reviewed papers and book. Before devoting herself into fighting for climate justice, she was an experienced event planner.

Photo of John

John Sayer
Research Director

Mr. John Sayer has a background in sustainability issues and human development, climate change advocacy, organizational management and governance policy. John was Executive Director of Asia Monitor Resource Centre working on information technology, labour rights and workplace health and safety before joining Oxfam Hong Kong in 1991 as Program Director and then Executive Director. In 2001 he moved to Oxford to take up the post of Executive Director of Oxfam International for an interim period. In 2003 he became Director of Africa Now, a development agency working on market-based solutions for small-scale producers in Africa through business development services, and the promotion of ethical trade among international companies doing business in Africa. In 2006, he returned to Asia and re-joined Oxfam Hong Kong as Director General until 2013. In January 2014, he joined the VSO as Director of its Asia Pacific Group, working to reduce poverty through programmes involving volunteers and international exchange. His published research has focused on business-NGO relations. He has served on the Board of the Ethical Trading Initiative helping major corporations develop socially responsible supply chains, particularly in the garment and food sectors. He has also served on the advisory body of the UN Global Compact on corporate conduct and is currently a member of the Global Reporting Initiative Stakeholder Council and a member of the Council's Capital Markets Discussion Group.

Photo of CY

Chong Chan Yau
Co-founder and CEO

Mr Chong Chan Yau is the Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of CarbonCare InnoLab and a member of the Board of Directors of Climate Finance Asia . Mr Chong is a graduate from the University of Hong Kong. He obtained a Master's degree in Information Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

He served in the Hong Kong Government as an Administrative Officer. He also served as an Executive Director of Oxfam Hong Kong and a member of the Board of Directors of Oxfam International. He then joined the University of Hong Kong as the Director of Student Development for its Centre for Development and Resources for Students. Mr Chong is active in promoting civil society in Hong Kong. He is the President of the Hong Kong Blind Union. He has also been a member of the Education and Publicity Subcommittee of the Council for Sustainable Development, which is an advisory committee to the Hong Kong SAR Government on sustainability issues.

Mr Chong has received the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award in 1991 and the MBE honour in 1995 for his outstanding service to the Hong Kong community. In 2012, Mr Chong has been awarded one of the "Leaders of 2011" by the Sing Tao Publishing Co Ltd and the HKU Honorary Fellowship by the University of Hong Kong.

Photo of Alissa

Alissa Tung
Programme Director

Dr Alissa Tung is the Programme Director of CarbonCare InnoLab. She has extensive experience in community engagement and corporate engagement in the NGO sector. Alissa received a PhD in Material Science from Monash University, Australia, after graduating from Fashion Technology at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research focus was on developing functional Self-Cleaning Textiles addressing pollution to the environment. She authored more than 10 peer-reviewed papers and book. Before devoting herself into fighting for climate justice, she was an experienced event planner.


John Sayer
Research Director

Mr. John Sayer has a background in sustainability issues and human development, climate change advocacy, organizational management and governance policy. John was Executive Director of Asia Monitor Resource Centre working on information technology, labour rights and workplace health and safety before joining Oxfam Hong Kong in 1991 as Program Director and then Executive Director. In 2001 he moved to Oxford to take up the post of Executive Director of Oxfam International for an interim period. In 2003 he became Director of Africa Now, a development agency working on market-based solutions for small-scale producers in Africa through business development services, and the promotion of ethical trade among international companies doing business in Africa. In 2006, he returned to Asia and re-joined Oxfam Hong Kong as Director General until 2013. In January 2014, he joined the VSO as Director of its Asia Pacific Group, working to reduce poverty through programmes involving volunteers and international exchange. His published research has focused on business-NGO relations. He has served on the Board of the Ethical Trading Initiative helping major corporations develop socially responsible supply chains, particularly in the garment and food sectors. He has also served on the advisory body of the UN Global Compact on corporate conduct and is currently a member of the Global Reporting Initiative Stakeholder Council and a member of the Council's Capital Markets Discussion Group.