The Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

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Six Hong Kong Youth Delegates Met with Different Stakeholders in Hong Kong prior to the 2021 Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The first Climate Advocacy Training for Youth (CATY) was completed and six outstanding graduates were shortlisted as Hong Kong Youth Delegates. Together with CCIL’s observer team, they will attend the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), Glasgow, Scotland in November 2021. Before attending COP26, six Hong Kong Youth Delegates wrote "Hong Kong Youth Statement on Climate Actions"  (the Statement) to urge the Hong Kong government to take more ambitious climate actions. A series of stakeholder meetings were arranged for the delegates  to exchange views on the Statement.

The delegates met with 1) Mr. Wong Kam Sing, the Secretary for the Environment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, 2) Mr. Brian Davidon, the British Consul General to Hong Kong, 3) Mr. Clemente Contestabile, Consul General of Italy in Hong Kong, 4) Mr. Lawrence Iu, Programme Director at Civic Exchange and 5) the funders of CATY on 18th September and 25th October. The delegates handed in the Statement to them. They exchanged views on the climate actions and policies of Hong Kong with the representatives.

During the meeting with Mr. Wong, he elaborated "Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050" (the Plan) to the delegates. The delegates responded that the government could take more ambitious and firm climate actions despite that fact that the Plan displayed its intention to lead other Asian cities. Besides, the delegates shared their aspirations on the development of renewable energy and carbon trading. The delegate showed understanding onpossible obstacles facing in terms of implementation, they urged the Environment Bureau to review and revise the current climate policies at least every five years aligning with the requirement listed in the Paris Agreement. Moreover, the delegates shared great concerns on climate adaptation measures. The Plan lacks just transition on securing the underprivileged or marginalised groups under the climate crisis. Mr. Wong concluded the meeting by encouraging the delegates to proactively connect with other delegates at COP26, and share their experiences and learnings when they return.

Being the host countries of COP26 and COY16, Mr. Brian Davidon and Mr. Clemente Contestabile arranged a meeting with the delegates. In the meeting, they mentioned the contention of the Statement, and also exchanged their perspectives on the progress of climate education in different regions, the progress of developing renewable energy in Hong Kong and the goals of attending COP26.

Gaining insights from the stakeholder meetings, CCIL hopes the Youth Delegates can speak out about the climate change impacts and actions of Hong Kong at COP26, and exchange their views on various topics of climate change with country leaders. 

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