*The awardees are listed in alphabetical order of organisation names
CarbonCare® ESG Label 2016 Awardees

Asia Allied Infrastructure Holdings Limited

ANTA Sports Products Ltd.

AChina Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Ltd.

China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd.

China Overseas Property Holdings Ltd.

China State Construction International Holdings Ltd.

Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Limited

Fulum Group Holdings Limited

Haitong International Securities Group Ltd.

Nan Nan Resources Enterprise Ltd.

The Hong Kong and China Gas Company
CarbonCare® Star Label 2016 Awardees

Star Label

China Overseas Holdings Limited

Chun Wo Development Holdings Limited

CLP Holdings Ltd.

Drainage Services Department

Haven of Hope Sunnyside School

HKT Limited

Hongkong International Terminals Limited

Nan Fung Development Limited

PCCW Limited

The Hong Kong Jockey Club
CarbonCare® Label 2016 Awardees

Level of Award - Champion (Carbon Neutral)

Asia Insurance Co., Ltd.

Jebsen Group

Level of Award - 3 (40% Reduction)

The Hong Kong Jockey Club

Level of Award - 2 (20% Reduction)


Cre8 (Greater China) Ltd

First Pacific Company Limited

Gammon Construction Limited

Kau Yan Church

Kerry Properties Limited

Airport Authority Hong Kong

The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd.

Level of Award - 1 (5% Reduction)

Alliance Construction Materials Limited

Clover Group International Limited


Haven of Hope Sunnyside School

Samson Paper Company Ltd.

The CityView

The Star Printing (HK) Co., Ltd.
CarbonCare® ESG Label
There are four levels of recognizing achievement in ESG reporting. The number of leaves on the CarbonCare® ESG Label indicates that the awardee has adhered to the ‘comply or explain’ provisions of the HKEX ESG Guide on general disclosures and environmental KPIs; and at the same time disclosed the following one, two, three or four areas in the year of application:
- governance structure with Board accountability on ESG-related issues in the Company; or
- materiality assessment through dedicated stakeholder engagement process(es); or
- KPIs in at least 5 out of the 8 Social Aspects (B1 – B8) in the ESG Guide; or
- climate-related policies and risk-mitigation actions.
CarbonCare® Star Label
The awardees are committed achievers who have managed to attain the CarbonCare® Label or the CarbonCare® Champion Label continuously over a period of three years or more (including 2020).
CarbonCare® Label & CarbonCare® Champion Label
The awardees of the CarbonCare® Label and the CarbonCare® Champion Label are achievers of carbon emissions reduction through concrete actions in measuring, reducing and offsetting (MRO) their carbon footprints.
There are six CarbonCare® Labels representing the different levels of achievement in carbon reduction/neutrality – with green labels in one, two, three, four and five leave(s) respectively indicating the achievement of 5% (starter), 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% emissions in the application year against a defined base year, and a gold CarbonCare® Champion Label representing carbon neutrality through the purchase of carbon offsets.
CarbonCare® Construction Label & CarbonCare® Construction Champion Label
The awardees of the CarbonCare® Construction Label and the CarbonCare® Construction Champion Label are achievers of carbon emissions reduction associated with construction process and/or material production in construction project management.
There are six CarbonCare® Construction Labels representing the different levels of achievement in carbon reduction/neutrality – with brown labels in one, two, three, four and five leave(s) respectively indicating the achievement of 5% (starter), 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% emissions in the application year against the Business As Usual (BAU) practices, and a gold CarbonCare® Champion Label representing carbon neutrality through the purchase of carbon offsets.