China Solar Energy Overview and Case Study of Solar PV System on Fish Ponds

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China Solar Energy Overview and Case Study of Solar PV System on Fish Ponds


Event Recap:
Webinar #7: China Solar Energy Overview and Case Study of Solar PV System on Fish Ponds

China is one of the countries that signed the “Paris Agreement”, promising to collectively reduce carbon emission in order to achieve the goal of controlling global temperature rise. China is the world highest carbon emitter, therefore more ambitious goals and long-term plans should be done in hopes of reducing carbon emission. China’s climate policies include rapidly developing renewable energy and reducing the power generation by fossil fuels. So, how is the current situation of renewable energy in China? What are the goals?

Webinar #7: "China Solar Energy Overview and Case Study of Solar PV System on Fish Ponds" was held on 24 June. Ms Min Yuan, who had done research on renewable energy policies and analysis of energy consumption and carbon emission, shared with us regarding the above topics.

After learning about the big picture, we introduced a unique solar energy project to our audience. Solar Fishery Project in Wencun, Taishan, Guangdong Province is a project which set up solar power system on top of fish ponds, thereby combining elements of aquaculture and fisheries in the area. Mr Wu Jiang, who is responsible for the project, shared with us the background, techniques, operations and how the system overcome the threat of typhoons.
You are welcome to watch the recording here (in Cantonese):

You are welcome to download the transcript of the webinar (Chinese version only) HERE.

Ms Min Yuan (Energy Transition Project Manager of WRI China Climate and Energy Programme)
Mr Wu Jiang (Senior Engineer of China Energy Engineering Group Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Ltd.)

Host: Miss Xing Lan (Associate Director (Sustainable Finance), Carbon Care Asia)
Language: Mandarin
Speaker’s Profile:

Ms Min Yuan (Energy Transition Project Manager of WRI China Climate and Energy Program) Min Yuan focuses on renewable energy policy research, energy consumption and GHG emission analysis at both national and sub national level. She has been deeply involved in the study on distributed renewable energy road map in Yangtze River Delta Region, research on corporate renewable energy procurement mechanism etc. Before joining WRI, Min Yuan had been working for Energy Research Institution of NDRC for nearly 4 years, mainly focused on energy and climate change related policy research. She participated in a series of researches including “The Path Way and Supporting Measures to Realize GHG Limitation Target Until 2020 in China”. Prior to working for ERI, Min Yuan had been working in Tong Fang Electronic as a thermal engineer, developing simulation systems for coal-fired power plants. Min Yuan graduated from North China Electric Power University with master’s degree. Her major was Thermal Engineering.

Mr Wu Jiang (Senior Engineer of China Energy Engineering Group Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Ltd.), Mr Wu Jiang has been working on electric power design for about 12 years. He obtained a master's degree from the School of Civil Engineering (Construction Engineering) of Tongji University in Shanghai and is now committed to the electric power design work regarding new energy such as solar photovoltaic power generation. The Laoyingyan Photovoltaic Plant Project he was responsible for was awarded Guangdong Province third prize in 2015. He was even awarded a patent for "A photovoltaic support pile foundation based on high-strength inorganic composite material" in 2018.

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RE Webinars is an international network of cross-webinars with renewable energy associations overseas. These digital seminars for the general public will focus on sharing knowledge about solar energy-related topics of high relevance in science, technology development, marketing and industrial implementation, social issues, training and education.




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