Revolutionary fashion – wearable solar cells

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Revolutionary fashion – wearable solar cells


Writer: Karry Ngai

The solar power industry does not stop developing and evolving. We can find developers incorporating solar panels into windows, walls, and vehicles. In recent years, smaller solar cells, such as portable solar chargers were launched in the market. Can we develop even smaller and carriable solar cells so that we can further involve renewable energy further in our daily life?

Nottingham Trent University carried out a project to investigate the feasibility of embedding solar cells into clothing. The research team had a breakthrough in making the solar cells into only 3mm long and 1.5mm wide. It is so tiny that we can implant the miniaturized solar cells into yarn and knitted into textiles and make into clothes. The University’s School of Arts & Design worked together with the team to make the fabrics look the same with usual ones to eliminate the aesthetic concerns. The garments made also behave the same with regular clothes. Each solar cell is encapsulated in a waterproof resin, which makes it flexible and machine washable.

With 200 micro-scale solar cells, occupying 5 cm2 of the clothing, the system can generate 80mW electricity to charge a fitness tracker or a basic mobile phone. If we scale it up to 2000 solar cells, it will be capable of charging a smartphone. The technology allows us to charge these appliances on the streets using USB cables in a sustainable and self-sufficient way. It does not only bring convenience to users but also cut the power demand in the community.

The wearable solar cells revolutionize how we can utilize solar cells in our daily life. We can foresee a sustainable future with more uses of renewable energy.


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