Fu Hong Society

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Gideon Ministries
Fu Hong Society: The Society Rehabilitation Centre
85 Yue Kwong Road, Aberdeen
Date of Implementation
Installation Site
Rooftop of East Wing
Approx. Total Area
348 m2 (3,746 sq. ft.)
Venue Type
Flat rooftop
No. of Solar Panels
174 pcs
Photovoltaic panel type
Monocrystalline silicon (bifacial)
System Capacity
68.73 kWp
Power generation in the first year
72,460 kWh (Sufficient to supply power for 181 households each month)

The Society Rehabilitation Centre of The Fu Hong Society has been providing rehabilitation services since 1977. Currently, it operats over 40 service units, providing services for about 3,600 persons with disabilities annually. Among them there are persons with intellectual disabilities, persons with autism spectrum disorders, persons with psychiatric disabilities, persons with physical disabilities, etc.

The Society Rehabilitation Centre at Yue Kwong Road, Aberdeen, has been in operation since 1997, and provides residential and day rehabilitation services to service users.

The 6-storey centre is divided into 2 wings- East and West. The solar photovoltaic(PV) system is installed on the rooftop of East Wing, which is approximately 3,746 square feet, with 174 PV panels, a system capacity of 138.51 kW and the power generation in the first year was 72,460 kWh.

Ms Tsui Kwan-yin Frankie, Chief Executive Director of Fu Hong Society, said that during the application process with the government, CarbonCare InnoLab assisted them with answers to the technical enquiries made by the government, speeding up their application process. They will use the subsidy obtained from the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) for the organisation's services, especially the part that is not subsidised by the government.

The solar PV system uses bifacial solar PV panels, the back panels are transparent and allows sunlight to penetrate. There are additional solar cells on the backside of each photovoltaic panel. When sunlight passes through the PV panel, it is refracted upon encountering the roof floor. With the remaining sunlight, the solar cells on the backside of the photovoltaic panel can increase the electrical power of the PV system. This system uses an optimizer that can monitor the power-generating condition of each solar panel independently, as well as increase the system's total power generation.

In addition to the on-grid PV panels, there are also 2 off-grid PV panels on the rooftop, generating power for 2 CCTVs representatively. The panels are equipped with battery storage to ensure the CCTVs are in operation even at night or when the sky is cloudy.

2 solar-powered CCTVs were installed on the rooftop

The weather station mounted on the stands of the PV panels collect irradiance and ambient temperature data, which allows engineers to examine the performance of the system from the detected data. It could also be used for taking preventive measures, monitoring potential risks and making timely corrections to the system if necessary.

There are 174 solar panels on the rooftop of East Wing.



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