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聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會(IPCC)進入第六次評估周期,在4月4日發表的第三小組報告(WG3)中指出, 2025年全球碳排放必須見頂(即達致「碳達峰」),並於2030年減少碳排放5成,否則以現時的排放速度,全球平均氣溫會繼續朝向本世紀末比工業化前上升攝氏3.2度,將會對全球氣候和生態系統帶來巨大災難。


亞洲能源轉型空間大 尚待開拓

低碳想創坊於4月7日舉辦『加快亞洲地區公義能源轉型網路:公民社會與商界的聲音』網路研討會, 呼應了IPCC這份最新的研究結果。來自日本、韓國、菲律賓、印度、中國內地、台灣和香港共12位專家,勾勒出區內能源發展的現狀和各地之間的異同,並就如何加快實現公義能源轉型提出了分析和建議。

IPCC報告指出了全球太陽能和風能發電技術早已成熟,過去十年的發電成本分別下跌了85%和55%,而兩者的發電量也可於2030年前比2019年以倍數增加,可見全球可再生能源在可見將來極具發展潛力。然而,來自兩岸三地的專家,包括北京磐之石環境與能源研究中心的趙昂、台灣環境規劃協會趙家緯博士和身在香港的筆者,以及日本自然能源財團的Mika Ohbayashi,分享了能源轉型的最新政策及發展趨勢,即使肯定各自地區的氣候變化減緩政策,但仍與歐美先進經濟體仍有一段距離,也顯然與IPCC報告提出的建議有落差。他們亦指出了決策過程同樣是自上而下,對如何制定和落實減碳路徑的具體細節等問題卻著墨較少。其實,這問題也常見於亞洲各地,需要當局共同面對和處理。


其中日本東北大學Jusen Asuka教授及Mika Ohbayashi亦不約而同對於新科技的介入比較謹慎,包括重新發展核能技術,及應用碳捕獲和碳儲存等碳去除工程。即使綠色氫能等新能源技術具有相當發展潛力,而IPCC報告都有把上述科技都列為減緩的選項,但減碳的潛力視乎大規模使用技術的成熟程度、投資回報年期較長,高昂的成本以及潛在的安全風險等問題。

即使可再生發電成本已大幅下降,起始投資成本仍然較高,而且大量可再生能源上網可能產生的電網欠穩定問題,儘管財務上和技術上是可解決,但電網經營者及監管當局仍沒有認真看待。韓國氣候解決方案組織的Gahee Han分享了濟州島的例子,指出受電網經營者限制,即使可再生能源發電表現不遜燃氣電站,其產生的電力仍無法使用。此外,由於新冠疫情和地緣政治關係而導致可再生能源零部件供應鏈緊張,原本降低了的可再生能源發電成本可能因此而變得不穩定,也可能成為區內可再生能源發展的障礙。因此,監管當局應擔當核心角色,在衡量成本效益和風險下克服技術上的障礙,推動全國性或區域性的能源轉型。

此外,未來亞洲各地仍會面對燃煤電廠如何加快退役的困難。氣候解決方案組織的Seukyoung Lee分享了當地兩家燃煤發電廠的例子。政府阻止了燃煤發電廠提前退役的討論,原因是擔心潛在高昂的補償要求,卻沒有評估補償的規模。由於亞洲大多數發電廠都是國營或公營壟斷企業,政府作為電力行業的監管者,一直沒有積極推動燃煤電廠退役。如何與發電商談判一套執行準則和提前退役機制,將是區域內需要應對的挑戰。


展望將來,亞洲地區能源轉型仍將會遇到機會和挑戰。Jusen Asuka教授引述他們的研究指出,只需要現有的可再生能源科技水平便可以滿足對日本的減碳要求,比起繼續發展化石燃料和核能產生更大經濟效益,製造更多就業機會。4 而香港浸會大學亞洲能源研究中心馬雅燕博士及香港科技大學Laurence L. Delina博士除了介紹公義能源轉型的重要概念,即分配公義和程序公義,也分別引用了對香港公屋戶和劏房戶的研究,以及引用東盟國家的例子,5 說明了我們須要顧及轉型過程中獲益和受損的人群,以公開、透明和平等的原則處理利益再分配的問題。

日本環境能源政策研究所Shota Furuya博士及台灣綠主張綠電合作社的黃淑德分享了社區為本生產可再生能源的經驗,給亞洲各地作出了良好示範。而台灣更形成合作社模式,重視社區成員的平等參與和合理分配。兩位專家分享的例子 6 都令人鼓舞,但目前都是規模較小及分散。他們同樣指出成功的因素,在於成員的參與意識,對社區其他成員的信任及項目的歸屬感,但仍需要克服法律和供電系統對合作社形式的挑戰。要大規模發展社區為本的可再生能源,都需要以此為鑑。

最後,能源轉型除了需要公共及私人融資的支持,亞洲投資者氣候變化聯盟的Anjali Viswamohanan亦倡議投資者須兼顧氣候減緩和適應於能源投資,將公義轉型納入投資的原則,包括關顧勞工、社區參與等。這項倡議尚在起步階段,但希望在可見將來有更多區內投資者在能源投資決策時將公義轉型視為核心價值。













講者名單 (按出場次序排列)︰

Mr Chong Chan Yau, Co-founder and CEO, CarbonCare InnoLab 
莊陳有先生 (聯合創辦人及行政總裁)

Mr Chong is a graduate from the University of Hong Kong. He obtained a Master's degree in Information Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

He served in the Hong Kong Government as an Administrative Officer. He also served as an Executive Director of Oxfam Hong Kong and a member of the Board of Directors of Oxfam International. Mr Chong is active in promoting civil society in Hong Kong. He is the President of the Hong Kong Blind Union. He has also been a member of the Education and Publicity Subcommittee of the Council for Sustainable Development, which is an advisory committee to the Hong Kong SAR Government on sustainability issues.
Mr. Kevin Li, Researcher, CarbonCare InnoLab
李育成先生 (低碳想創坊研究員)

Kevin Li has more than 20 years’ experiences working with development and environmental non-governmental organisations covering the issues of water, land, climate change and poverty reduction. He also experiences in taking different roles, ranging from research, grant-making, online communications to working with partner organisations on development projects in Asia region.
Mr Zhao Ang, Co-Director & Co-founder, Rock Environment and Energy Institute (REEI)
趙昂先生 (北京磐之石環境與能源研究中心聯合主任及創始人)

Zhao has worked on climate change and energy transition policy for more than 15 years. He has published in China Environment Series, Environmentally-Aware Business Models and Technologies, International Journal of Applied Logistics, the Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Environmental Resource and Energy Review and others. Mr Zhao holds a B.A. in Chinese from Peking University and a M.Sc. in Environmental Policy from London School of Economics and Political Science. He likes reading, podcasts and jogging.
Dr Chao Chia-wei, Chair, Taiwan Environment & Planning Association
趙家緯博士 (台灣環境規劃協會理事長)

Chia-Wei Chao is the Adjunct Assistant Professor of The International Degree Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development, National Taiwan University and also the Chair of Taiwan Environment and Planning Association. He received his PhD degree in Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering from the National Taiwan University in 2013. His research focus are sustainability transition and industrial ecology. Dr Chao has been actively involved in the climate and energy policy since 2007, to provide evidence-based policy suggestion for environmental NGOs. Taiwan Environment and Planning Association is a newly found environmental NGO, the main task is to establish a transdisciplinary platform to maximize the synergies between ecosystem service and renewable energy development.
Ms Mika Ohbayashi, Director, Renewable Energy Institute (REI)
大林美嘉女士 (日本自然能源財團事業局長)

Mika Ohbayashi is Director at Renewable Energy Institute* since its foundation in August 2011. Before joining the Institute, she worked in Abu Dhabi for the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) as Policy and Project Regional Manager for Asia Oceania. She is one of two founders of the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP) and served as Deputy Director for 8 years following its establishment in 2000. She also worked as Advisor for Climate Change Projects and Policies for UKFCO at the British Embassy to Japan. She started her career in the energy field by joining Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center in 1992. In 2017, She was awarded the ISES Global Leadership Award in Advancing Solar Energy Policy- in honour of Hermann Scheer by the International Solar Energy Society. *The Institute’s English name was “Japan Renewable Energy Foundation (JREF)” from 2011 - 2016.
Dr Daphne Mah, Director, Asian Energy Studies Center, HKBU
馬雅燕博士 (香港浸會大學亞洲能源研中心主任)

Dr Daphne Mah is Director of Asian Energy Studies Centre, and Associate Professor at Department of Geography at Hong Kong Baptist University. She obtained her MSc in Environmental Management from the University of Nottingham in the UK, and completed her PhD study at the University of Hong Kong. Her research focuses on social aspects of smart energy transitions, specializing in interdisciplinary research that cuts across the fields of energy technologies (smart grids, solar power, wind energy, nuclear power, and building energy efficiency), energy governance, and sustainability policy studies, with a geographical focus on East Asia covering empirical cases in China, South Korea, and Japan. She is a co-founding editor of Journal of Asian Energy Studies, and the founding convener of the Hong Kong Solar Partnership.
Ms Gahee Han, Researcher, Solutions for Our Climate, South Korea
韓佳熙女士 (韓國氣候解決方案組織研究員)

Gahee is a researcher at Solutions for Our Climate working on power market & grid program. Her recent project involves a resource planning analysis for South Korea’s power system. Previous to SFOC, she worked on Climate Technology Centre & Network projects at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and conducted greenhouse gas reduction research in a lab environment. She received her BSc in environmental engineering from Ewha Womans University.
Ms. Seukyoung Lee, Researcher, Solutions for Our Climate, South Korea
李世璟女士 (韓國氣候解決方案組織研究員)

Seukyoung is a researcher in SFOC’s coal power program and Korea Beyond Coal campaign’s international network contact person. Her recent work includes projects on domestic and international coal phase out policies, energy transition and employment impacts, and health impacts of fossil fuel generation. She holds a B.A. in Sociology from Vanderbilt University and a Master of City Planning from Seoul National University Graduate School of Environmental Studies.

Professor Jusen Asuka, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University
張壽川(明日香壽川)教授 (日本東北大學東北亞研究中心)

Dr Jusen ASUKA is the Professor, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. He had also worked for the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) in Hayama, Japan as the director of the climate change group from April 2010 to March 2013. He holds a Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, a MBA from the INSEAD, and a M.S. from the Graduate School of Agriculture, University of Tokyo. His primary areas of interest are about energy policy and environmental policy (e.g. climate policy, air pollution policy) and international environmental/energy cooperation. He is regularly involved in expert networks as well as policy making on energy/climate policy issues of Japan. His recent, specific interests are to promote the green recovery and energy transition which Japan is lagging behind other countries. Climate justice is his favorite topic as well. He is a football fan and still plays regularly.

Dr Furuya Shota, Researcher, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies, Japan
古屋將太博士 (日本環境能源政策研究所研究員)

Dr Shota Furuya is a researcher at Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP) based in Tokyo. He received PhD in community energy planning at Aalborg University in Denmark. He has worked on community based renewable energy development in Japan. He focuses on the process in which different local stakeholders share a sustainable and creative future vision. His main research field is social acceptance of renewable energy and he facilitates stakeholders' understanding and collaboration for sustainability. He has been co-chair of the International Renewable Energy Agency Coalition for Action Community Energy Working Group since 2018.
Ms Hwang Shute, Chair, Green Advocates Energy Co-operative, Taiwan
黃淑德女士 (台灣綠主張綠電合作社理事主席)

Shute is the Supervisor of Homemakers Union Consumers Co-operative
and Chairman of Green Advocates Energy Co-operative. She completed her master of Public Health degree in the University of Michigan and joined Homemakers United Foundation 29 years ago. Since then, she has begun engaging in NGO starting from being a volunteer, and has become an entrepreneur of co-operative start-up. Through engaging in environmental movements, she started learning more about the subjects of organic farming, fair trade, energy resources and aging.
Dr Laurence L Delina, Division of Environment and Sustainability, HKUST
Laurence L Delina博士 (香港科技大學環境及可持續發展學部)

Laurence L Delina is an Assistant Professor at the Division of Environment and Sustainability at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research interests are on sustainable development with a focus on rapid mitigation of climate change and accelerating sustainable and just energy transitions. He is the sole author of more than thirty journal articles on these topics and four books on climate action and energy transition. He recently co-edited a volume on climate change governance in Southeast Asia and consulted for the United Nations, Oxfam, and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung on energy issues in the region and in wider Asia-Pacific. Laurence was a Balik (Returning) Scientist at the Philippines Department of Science and Technology, a Rachel Carson Fellow, and a Visiting Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School. He received his PhD from the University of New South Wales (Sydney).
Ms Anjali Viswamohanan, Senior Policy Manager, Asian Investor Group on Climate Change
Anjali Viswamohanan女士 (亞洲投資者氣候變化聯盟高級政策經理)

Anjali is leads on policy engagement for the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC). She has over 7 years of experience working on the energy-related aspects of climate action, primarily in Asia. Prior to AIGCC, she worked with two leading climate think-tanks on developing policy and research on the financial aspects of the energy transition. She is a lawyer by training and has also worked with some of the top law firms in India on facilitating investments into the energy and infrastructure sectors in India.

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