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Jockey Club SolarCare Programme 5th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony

Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, CarbonCare InnoLab launched the "Jockey Club SolarCare Programme" in 2019. The programme aimed to increase the use of renewable energy in Hong Kong and promote solar power generation to help Hong Kong achieve its climate goals. To date, the programme has built over 31 solar PV systems, providing long-term economic support to the participating non-profit organisations through the feed-in tariff subsidies, which help the organisations provide various essential social services to the Hong Kong community. Through our solar tours, workshops, competitions, and other activities, many participants from different groups have received our climate education.

On 18 July 2024, the Jockey Club SolarCare Programme 5th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony was held at the Duke of Windsor Social Service Building in Wan Chai. Over 100 participants from non-profit organisations, renewable energy service providers, and partners of the programme attended the ceremony to share experiences, exchange ideas, connect, network, and celebrate together. Mr Chong Chan Yau, Co-Founder and CEO of CarbonCare InnoLab, expressed gratitude for the support of all sectors in his opening speech and hoped the programme would inspire the future development of solar energy in Hong Kong. Special guest Mr Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP, former Secretary for the Environment, encouraged the audience to take practical actions in their daily lives, such as saving electricity and recycling waste, to help Hong Kong achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

At the SolarCare Partner sharing session, Mr David Begbie, Director of Crossroads Foundation; Mr Nicholas Chan Ji Leung, Chief Executive Administration Coordinator of The Salt and Light Preservation Centre; Lt Col Cheuk Kin Lop, Chief Staff Officer of Hong Kong Adventure Corps, and Miss Chan So Fong, Bella, Coordinator of Lamma Island for Barnabas Charitable Service Association, shared their experiences with the programme, including the reasons for joining the programme, the relationship between the solar PV systems and the organisations’ work, and memorable moments since joining the programme.

We sincerely appreciate everyone’s attendance and support!

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